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A brief history of Computer And Generations of computer


Generations of computer

The first time the computer was invented, it was not as modern as the present. When a person created the computer, it was huge but slowed in speed and progress, but when science became current, it also became a powerful device that computers could use for any purpose.


First-generation computer (1940)

The second generation of computers (1963)

The third generation of computer (1971)

The fourth generation of computers (1971-Present)

The fifth generation of computers (Present) 


First-generation computer (1940)

First-generation computers were massive in size but slow in speed at which vacuum tubes were used. The programming language was machine language, a low-level language that humans could not understand. This computer could perform only a single calculation.


The second generation of computers (1963)

The second generation of computers was smaller than the first generation and a bit higher than previous computers. In these computers, transistors were used, and programing language was machine language and assembly language. They were a bit high performance than the first generations.


The third generation of computer (1971)

The generation of computers shifted transistors to integrated circuits, also called ICs. In the third generation, thousands of transistors are placed called semiconductors. This generation was very modern, in which high-level language is used and easy to understand humans; this is the ability of high-level language. We can use these computers for different progressing works and also can earn money with the use of these computers.


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The fourth generation of computers (1971-Present)

The fourth generation of computers is based on the large scale of integrated circuits placed on one chip called a microchip. The most significant benefit of this generation is that one microprocessor can have all the circuits instructed to execute arithmetic, reasoning, and operations on a single chip. In this generation, massive-scale integrated circuits have thousands of transistors in just a single microchip, and the memory is semiconductor memory like RAM or ROM, etc. These computers are very modern and perform any technical task in just seconds we can say that they are small in size but fast in speed and quality.

The fifth generation of computers (Present) 

The fifth generation of computers is unique and advanced; it has become increasingly advanced and is called artificial intelligence AI. This generation work and behaves like humans. It allows the users in programs voice recognition, medicines, and entertainment. The speed of these computers is the highest, and the size is the smallest. They are based on artificial intelligence, and the Ultra Large-Scale Integration has millions of transistors on the chip. They can understand the natural language as human language.

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Advantages of computers for financial

We can use computers to earn money. We can earn millions of dollars with just a little effort; it is a significant advantage of the computer. People make a good amount using computers from their homes, no offices required. They are earning millions of dollars. So, you can also earn money and can make your life easy.

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